
Finals week and all that jazz, might have somehow interfered with the announcing of the winner. So, i am highly out-of-my-mind sorry that you guys had to wait so long for just one name. And because there has been enough waiting and i don’t want you guys to come carrying pitchforks and all…here is the winner.



An email will be sent to the winner and the she is about two days to respond to the email.



Alright, you are all eligible hate me. I know it has been ages since the giveaway ended and it is only now that i am posting about the winners, but in my defense this year started and i bombarded with so many things. And now i want some these things to leave so that i can relax. Weekends apparently are no use anymore because they pass by lightning fast and i’m super tired by Sunday night so much so that i dread Monday with a vengeance. Monday morning i just want to crawl under my blanket and hibernate.

So, i won’t bore you with my hatred of Mondays and get on with telling you who was lucky and who wasn’t.

The winner of the signed giveaway of Elemental by Emily White is…

Krystal Larson!

And the three winners of the T-shirts are…

Julie Witt!

Linda Henderson!

Amy Stogner!

And there you have it. The WINNERS! I will email you all in the morning because my eyes are really closing at this point in time. Ta ta lovelies!

Winners! – Long, long long OVERDUE!

Winner of the Vampire Bites e-Book is:

Laurie Jenkins


Winner of the e-Book of Being by T.R. Mousner is:


Picture     Picture    Picture

Winner of Half-Blood Swag is:

Library Lady


Winner of the e-Book of Replay by Keira Lea is:

Ethan Cobb

View Daughter.jpg in slide show

Winner of the e-Book of The Daughter of Deception is:

Krysta Banco

View Warden.jpg in slide show

Winner of the Vampire’s Warden e-Book is:


Stay tuned this week because i’m going to announce the winner of the Author of the Month giveaway winner!


Okay, so i know its been a super long wait but i was hoping for more people to come and enter the giveaway. Not so many did, their loss. So without further ado i finally end this giveaway and announce the winner.

BK Walker – Nightly Cafe

You will soon be the proud owner of this:

The Unwritten RuleHe’s looking at me like—well, like he wants to look at me.
Like he likes what he sees, and he’s smiling and his eyes are so blue, even in the faint flow of the porch light they shine, and I nod dumbly, blindly, and then grope for the door handle, telling myself to look away and yet not able to do it.

“Sara,” he says, softly, almost hesitantly, and my heart slam-bangs, beating hard, and this is what it’s like to want someone you can’t have. To want someone you shouldn’t even be looking at.

*An email has been sent to the winner. You need to reply within 48 hours otherwise the runner up will get the book.

*The book is being provided by the author herself.

Announcing the Winners…Once Again!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I Present to You the 'Follower Love Giveaway Hop!'

You guys really hurt me…okay not really but still. Here was a perfectly good chance for all the winners to get their prize but only two out of 6 were interested…now sad is that?

So anyway, because i had given you 3 days to contact me (actually4 because i was feeling super lenient as it was my first giveaway) and only two of you did, i will be choosing new runner-ups and another winner.

So here is the new winner of an e-copy of Just Right by Erin Nicholas:

Laurie Harrison


And the runner-ups:

Kate Hansel

Kristen My Bookish Fairy Tale


Rachel Fewell


Tara W

Now, please be smart and contact me fast. Email me, the address is on the ‘About Me’ page. Thank you!

And the Winner Is…

Note of gratitude: None of this would have been possible without Inspired Kathy for hosting this giveaway, approving my blog and giveaway. This wonderful giveaway was contributed by Erin Nicholas who i shall be forever grateful to.  And last but not least none of this would have been possible without my followers. “BIG HUG”

In the future i look forward to holding even more giveaways.

And the winner is…. “drum roll”

Laurie Harrison


And the five runner-ups are….

Kate Hansel


Rad Hall




All of you have upto 3 days to respond to me via email…check the ‘About Me’ section. If you fail to respond within these days then one of the five runner-ups will win (this will be done through another drawing). This will also enable me to replace that runner-up with another. Same rules apply to both parties.

P.S. If i haven’t mentioned this before the five runner-ups will receive the bookmarks only while the winner will receive both e-copy and bookmark.

Congratulations once again!!