And the Winner Is…

Note of gratitude: None of this would have been possible without Inspired Kathy for hosting this giveaway, approving my blog and giveaway. This wonderful giveaway was contributed by Erin Nicholas who i shall be forever grateful to.  And last but not least none of this would have been possible without my followers. “BIG HUG”

In the future i look forward to holding even more giveaways.

And the winner is…. “drum roll”

Laurie Harrison


And the five runner-ups are….

Kate Hansel


Rad Hall




All of you have upto 3 days to respond to me via email…check the ‘About Me’ section. If you fail to respond within these days then one of the five runner-ups will win (this will be done through another drawing). This will also enable me to replace that runner-up with another. Same rules apply to both parties.

P.S. If i haven’t mentioned this before the five runner-ups will receive the bookmarks only while the winner will receive both e-copy and bookmark.

Congratulations once again!!