Review: Witch & Wizard by James Patterson

Witch & Wizard: The New OrderTitle: Witch & Wizard
Author: James Patterson
Publisher: Arrow (Young)
Genre(s): Young Adult (Fantasy, adventure, dystopia)
Source: Paperback

My Rating

Synopsis (goodreads):

The world is changing – the government has seized control of every aspect of society, and now kids are disappearing. For fifteen-year-old Wisty and her older brother Whit, life turns upside-down when they are hauled out of bed one night, separated from their parents, and thrown into a secret compound for no reason they can comprehend. The new government is clearly trying to suppress life, liberty …and the pursuit of being a normal teenager. Imprisoned together and condemned to death, Wisty and Whit begin exhibiting strange abilities and powers they never dreamed of. Maybe there is a reason they were singled out. Can this newly discovered witch and a wizard master their skills in time to save themselves, their parents – and maybe the world?
My Review:
I really enjoyed reading Witch & Wizard. Its a young adult dystopian, but is actually a pre-young adult. Its a good start for anyone who wants to jump into the dystopian genre, great starter.
James Patterson has this uncanny, incredible way of telling a story. The chapter border on 2-3 pages and total upto a hundred and above. The way his chapters, i just couldn’t seem to put down the book. Things move very quickly in Witch and Wizard.
The story is fairly simple but its been molded in such a way that the reader actually feels connected. Some things do border on Harry Potter but its a story in itself.
The novel takes place between two different points of view, of Whit and Wisty, brother and sister, who are, incidentally, also a wizard and witch. the two main characters are interesting if a little confused about who and what they really are, but at least they are open-minded about the possibilities presented them. This makes it easier to relate them because we are all trying to find ourselves in this world.
Overall awesome book! Grab yourself a copy!

4 thoughts on “Review: Witch & Wizard by James Patterson

  1. Pingback: Review: The Gift by James Patterson « Breathing Books

  2. I read this book earlier this year and loved it, too! I’ve heard mixed reviews but I love the way James Patterson writes, so I really enjoyed it. I’m glad that you liked it, too 🙂

In My Opinion