I Yearn, You Yearn, We All Yearn! (#1)

I Yearn, You Yearn, We All Yearn is going to be about books that are going to be about books that are going to be released soon. They will all be the books that i yearn to read and have on my own shelf.

These will not be done in any particular order, i’m still deciding if i want to do them every month, every six months or every year. Actually now i’ve decided (sorry if i’m so indecisive) that they will be randomly, either according to demand or my own wishes.

Having babbled enough, its time to show you all the yearnings:

Love StoryWhat Happened to GoodbyeAbandonDie for Me (Revenants, #1)The Iron Witch (The Iron Witch, #1)The Unbecoming of Mara DyerSweet Venom (Medusa Girls, #1)Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have)Epic Fail

What do you think? Comment and tell me.

*These are all linked to their GoodReads pages.

Book Covers that Make Your Heart Turn to Mush!

Have you ever come across a book cover that makes your heart melt, your toes curl under and awaken the butterflies in your stomach? Never have i been affected by a book cover to such an extent that i am left breathless. These covers make me want the same thing they show.

Below are some Eye Candies that you should definitely see on this day. This is my wishlist!



















So what do you think? Let me know.