The Missing by Shiloh Walker (review)

The MissingThe Missing by Shiloh Walker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the very first interracial novel i have read and honestly i enjoyed it a lot. I mean i didn’t know about it well till 1/2 the book was finished but even then i was not tempted to stop reading.
The story is about a psychic girl who falls in love with the ‘rich white boy’. This only leads to her falling to fast and too hard and then being left with a broken heart. Basically not to give away the whole gist of the story but they meet again after 12 years because he needs her help with a family tragedy.
The passion between the two main characters is forever burning and even during the time they spent apart their love is still aflame. Shiloh Walker, in her book gives us the point-of-view of both characters and portrays them in such a way that one can only wonder if they’re real. The emotions are so real that the reader knows what the character is going through and it was real fun reading this novel.

Content: may too much…uhm
Profanity: mild
Storyline: Awesome!

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